Let’s hear from our designer

Claudio Gorgi

I have been designing office seating solutions since the 90s, shaping ideas into finished products, developing skills in aesthetics, design and production, with in-depth and specific knowledge of various materials such as plastic, metal, and more.

Across the years l’ve registered several patents for mechanisms and seating components of my own invention. Since the beginning of my collaboration with IMARC, I took on an increasingly important role, with a comprehensive design approach, establishing a synergistic relationship of trust and mutuai respect that has allowed us to grow together and undertake increasingly ambitious projects. Together, we have developed important products and patents for mechanisms, armrests, adjustment systems, and interesting aesthetic solutions that are regularly deposited. My role is to propose ideas, develop them in terms of design and early-stage industrialization and support the engineers up to the mass production. We’ve always been focus on the on the market: the deep and conceptual changes of the last years in the office environment, have pushed us to generate proposals to comply with such trends. More and more restrictive regulations, different approaches to the workspace both in terms of organization and physical layout, greater attention to individuai needs and lastly the smart working have made the traditional concept of the office, as a closed and individuai space, somehow obsolete, shifting towards multifunctional, shared environments that facilitate socialization and team working. Based on these elements, we identified two specific requirements: on one hand the need to have highly specialized seating to comply with regulations and, on the other hand, very simplified chairs to cope with the new workspaces. In modem companies, the workplace is no longer seen as a closed and individuai space, but as a multifunctional space used by multiple people at different times and with different needs, with the focus on the person in a fluid, dynamic, and immersive way. Consequently, the seats will also be “young”, dynamic, and multi-purpose. For lnterzum 2023, we have developed a series of components aimed at these evolving needs in both corporate and home workspaces. Together with lmarc we have created CONCEPT 2024 to showcase our idea of the office chair of the future, always with the perspective of compatibility and modularity that characterizes us.

It features an extremely simplified mechanism that is built to blend harmoniously with the other elements of the chair, almost appearing dematerialized. Despite its simplicity, it is a real mechanism that automatically adapts to the weight of the person without the need for manual adjustment systems. The seat has ampie translational movement to facilitate ergonomics, with a lightweight silhouette that allows complete perception of the mechanism and the entire design. The backrest is a single monobloc yet with soft rigorous shapes that perfectly integrate with various spaces. lt is wrapped in a mesh membrane that allows for air flow and has a lightweight design, with the option of an adjustable lumbar support band. The new armrests embody the concept of aesthetic simplicity while concealing multiple adjustments.